Buffy Pad System - Finish Sanding
Buffy Pad System - Finish Sanding Made Easy

PLEASE NOTE: You'll need to add the 3 parts of the system to your cart separately (blue backer pad, grabber pads, and buffy pads) See below to figure out how many of each piece you'll need:
How many Buffy Pads Will I need?
Depending on what’s being removed, a single Buffy Pad can cover 150-200 square feet before needing to be replaced. The Grabber Pad should be replaced every 10-15 Buffy Pad changes. The Backer Pad needs to be replaced rarely (every 10 Grabber Pads).
Buffy pads are designed to smooth out the wood, like fine-grit sandpaper. It "buffs" the rough surface to smooth it out and prepare it for stain. Unlike sandpaper, one buffy pad or Osborn brush can cover hundreds, even thousands, of square feet before it needs to be switched out!
Remove Wood Felting and Raised Grain.
Remove wood fuzz (called felting) after power washing or media blasting, and knock down excessive raised grain with Sashco’s finish sanding tools.
Product Overview
Use these helpful tools so finish sanding won’t wear you out.
Osborn® brushes and the Buffy Pad system are the efficient and easy-to-use alternatives to everyday sandpaper. They make quick work of removing wood fuzz (called felting), and are gentle yet effective when used on hand-peeled logs and delicate wood fixtures that require a light touch. Osborn brushes are also excellent for wood and log homes that must be prepped entirely by hand.
Where to use:
Use the Buffy Pad and Osborn® Brushes finish sanding systems to remove felting produced by power washing and media blasting, or to more efficiently hand-sand any wood surface. Excellent for gentle prep on softer woods.
Non-woven steel-free pads – no rusting bits left behind on the wood
Three-part system reduces equipment fatigue and costs less than integrated buffing pads
Gentle enough for even soft woods
Use with a variable speed grinder for efficient and easy work
There are three parts that complete the Buffy Pad System; the Backer Pad, Grabber Pad and Buffy Pad:
The Backer Pad is the blue and white pad that screws onto the 5/8" X 11" grinder/polisher arbor.
The Grabber Pad protects the much more expensive Backer Pad from damage.
The Buffy Pad is pressed and twisted into the Grabber Pad (and then pressed into it again and reverse twisted, for solid holding power).